Cuban women with gifts of Havana Club rum.
Photo Norlys Pérez Padrón

D’Viajeros means ‘for travelers’ in Spanish

How to fill out the Cuba entry form on the D’Viajeros website before travel

The online D’Viajeros entry form is mandatory for all persons visiting Cuba. The form can only be submitted within seven days of arrival to Cuba. Our instructions are tailored to US citizens and residents visiting Cuba as short-term guests. We assume you have nothing to declare; you are not bringing illegal items or more than $5,000 USD. Take a moment to review the steps before you fill out the online D’Viajeros form.

  • Have your Cuban eVisa number ready and insert it on Page 3, Step 2 in the field called “Electronic Visa Number.”
  • Download the final PDF file to your mobile phone and/or print it. You have to present it to your US airline at check-in and to Cuban immigrations on arrival.

Choose language, then click Form Request

D'Viajeros Cuban Entry Form homepage.

Fill out sections in red. Your name should match name on your passport.

D'Viajeros Cuban Entry Form Personal Data page.

Just the sections in red.

D'Viajeros Cuban Entry Form Migratory Information page.

Just two sections in red. Cuba does not require Covid information.

D'Viajeros Cuban Entry Form Sanitary Information page.

Fill out three sections in red.

D'Viajeros Cuban Entry Form Customs Information page.

Just two items in red.

D'Viajeros Cuban Entry Form Sworn Declaration page.

Next step critical to get your QR Code.

D'Viajeros Cuban Entry Form Completed page.

Print this PDF. Put with your passport. Save to your phone. QR Code required for US airlines and entry into Cuba.

D'Viajeros Cuban Entry Form Success PDF QR Code Result page.

With this PDF QR Code document in hand, together with your passport, and Cuban Tourist Visa, you are ready to visit Cuba.

Remember, you can only complete the D’Viajeros online entry form 48 hours before arriving in Cuba. Attempting to do so earlier will result in losing the details you input. The QR Code provided at the end of the process is required by US airlines and Cuban immigration.

Click here for D’Viajeros website

Don’t hesitate to email or call us at 1-888-965-5647 if you have questions or concerns about filling out the online Cuban entry form known as D’Viajeros. Happy face